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Two things that I have to bring everywhere I go

Hello, this is my fourth post in my blog. Now, I’ll tell you two things I have to bring everywhere I go. I was initially confused, because a lot of things that I carry when I travel. But because only asked two things, I'll show you. I’m a university student, I have to go to my campus in every Monday till Friday. And I often going to every place everyday. So, this is two important things I have to bring everywhere.

First, I have to bring my hand phone. Because for me my hand phone is everything. When there are lecture class change, I’ll know from my class group in Line application. When I’ll go to the campus with my friend Isnain, we’ll communication on BBM application. When I waiting for lecture, and I feel bored, I will listening to the music in my phone and singing. For me, listening to the music and singing is the  best way to made my heart’s happy. And one of my mood booster is singing, although my voice is not too good but enough to made all of you faint. Most important thing that I have to bring my hand phone is, to communication with my father and my mother. Because, if at 20:00 Wib I’m not yet back to home, my mother will call me or sent me short message. If my mother sent me short message, I’ll say “mom, I’m on the way” but I still sit down and waiting for her call me. but, if my dad sent me a short message, I’ll say “ok dad, I’m on the way” and I will bring my motor cycle like Valentino Rossi did. Because if he call me, it feeling like I'm going death. My father was the son of a soldier. so, in his childhood, my grandfather educate my father and his brothers the hard way as everyone knows that the army was loud. And my father’s do the same way to me and my brother. I know this is so good for me to make me discipline, on time, and always listen mom and dad.
Second, I have to bring my wallet. In my wallet there are some money. We need money because in this world no free except breath.  even, in my wallet  often no money, but I still bring it. Because there are so many important card in my wallet. This my important cards :
  • ·         Student Card and Library Card, it’s my card when I was school at Senior High School 5,
  • ·         University Student Card, it’s my identity card from Tanjungpura University,
  • ·         Citizenship Card,
  • ·         Driving License,
  • ·         STNK,
  • ·         Member Card Library of West Borneo Province,
  • ·         Identification Card form POLRI,
  • ·         Debit & ATM Card from BTN bank and Mandiri bank.

In addition to the card above, there are so many important things in my wallet one of that is my family’s photograph. My father and mother photograph, my brother photograph, my grandpa photograph and my grand-grandmother photograph. And my childhood photograph.

There are two important things to bring everywhere, if I forget to bring one of that I’ll come back to my home to bring that. Because with no hand phone I can’t communication with my friends and my parents. I can’t open my Facebook, Line, BBM, Instagram, and E-mail. With no my wallet I can’t pay all of thing that I want to buy, and if I’m in a raid by police I can’t show my Driving License and STNK. And if something happen to me (na’uzubillah min zalik) if I don’t bring my wallet, no one can know my identity without my Citizenship Card in my wallet. Ok, thank you for read my blog’s. See you in the next post.


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