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My top recommendations for things to do in my town

The city of Pontianak, the city of my birth place. My father's birthplace, and until recently the city of Pontianak being the city where I live. The city is a city that is very hot, though this city very hot i still stayed in this city. Not only my fate to settle here, but the history of the city is Also the reason I Became a happy and proud to be a part of this city.
I would recommend to you the famous places and historic in this city. And if you have not been to this place means you guys have yet to Officially set foot in the city of Pontianak.

1. Kadriah Palace & The Mosque Jami Sultan Abdurrahman

Kadriah Palace is a Palace of the Sultanate Kadriah i.e. a Malay Sultanate founded in 1771 ad, by a king named Sultan Syarif Abdurrahman Alkadrie. The Palace is located adjacent to the mosque Jami' Sultan Abdurrahman. Kadriah palace and Mosque Jami' Sultan Abdurrahman was built at the same time, namely on 23 October 1771 which is now celebrated as the Day of the city of Pontianak. Two historic place is located in Kampung Dalam Bugis, Kota Pontianak.

2. The Tomb Of Batulayang

The Tomb of Batulayang is the tomb of the King of the Sultanate Kadriah and no doubt the last resting place of the first Sultan of the Sultanate Kadriah, Sultan Syarif Abdurrahman Alkadrie, Empress and his Descendants. The tomb of batulayang situated at the edge of the Kapuas River, in the past this graveyard can only be Reached by boat via the river. Now the mausoleum can be visited through the road land on the side of the road to Jungkat, about 200 meters from the highway. In the area of the tomb of Batulayang, there is a pile of stones. The mausoleum of Sultan Syarif Abdurrahman made of wood two-storey. Carved with spiral motifs of plants are always covered with light colored netting. The mausoleum of Sultan already aged nearly 200 years it has many improvements and changes. Beside there is the tomb of his wife Putri Utin Chandramidi who Died in 1246 H or 1830 M.

3. Equator Monument

Equator Monument located on, North of Pontianak, West Kalimantan. The monument is located 3 km from the city center. This monument frequently visited by local and international tourists. On 21-23 March and September 21 to 23, the monument will be crowded by booths of food typical of West Kalimantan until the souvenirs in West Kalimantan, it is not without reason but rather on that date is after the culmination point of the event. During the hours of 12:00 pm EST, if we are at the point 0 IS0, then the shadows we will not be visible. This was Also very interesting the arrival of foreign tourists. This year, the monument Monument are under construction, planned to be built Water Park in order to Attract more local and foreign tourists.
This Recommendations is mandatory on the visit if you are in the city of Pontianak. The advanced country is a country that remembers its history, therefore for us the citizens of Pontianak to always remember how the history of the city is built and the struggles of the founders of the city of Pontianak. Keep historic places that exist in the city, never allow the hands of ignorant damaging wealth of history in the city of Pontianak. Greetings from my native city of Pontianak. AWAK DATANG, KAMEK SAMBOT.


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