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Favorite Place I’ve Travelled To

I was a very rare vacation out of town or out of the island. When the holidays, I usually just stay at home or my grandma’s home. However, I have a favorite place I've ever visited. For me that place is a place of beautiful and historic.

The place I mean is the tomb of  Opu Daeng Menambon in Sebukit Rama, Kabupaten Mempawah, Kalimantan Barat. Opu Daeng Menambon was a King of the Kingdom of Mempawah, Kalimantan Barat. He was the son of the King of the Kingdom of Luwu,Sulawesi Selatan. He was married to Princess Kesumba, daughter of the King of Matan, King Zainuddin and Princess Utin Indrawati (daughter of King Senggaok). I remember the first time I went there when I was in elementary school. I departed from my granma's house with my family, along the way we encountered some obstacle, namely floods deep enough when we headed to Sebukit Rama. So a car that we were travelling suffered little damage because the car was extremely low Flood inundation of water then go into the car's engine. When arriving at the Sebukit Rama, we had to climb the stairs leading to the tomb of the Opu Daeng Menambon is on top of the hill.
According to local belief, if we count the stairs we climb the rung number will be different when we are up and down. Whether true or not, but I am experiencing the same thing. For me to climb the hill takes a lot of energy because we feel like there are people that draws us back to back down and not up the hill. For me up the hill is very hard, halo because it weighs like feet restrained people from behind. I have also several times to stop and rest.
Upon arrival I was above the hill, I immediately headed to the tomb of the Opu daeng Menambon, where I prayed and sprinkled flowers. I see the grave atmosphere of the Opu Daeng Menambon Bugis culture is thick and that I always remember there was rooster painting. First I did not understand what the meaning of the existence of the rooster paintings in the tomb of a King. And recently I know the meaning of these images. According to the jury, the tomb contained key deep meaning in every color and images on the paintings. Yellow means black has the meaning of faith, Islam, red color means ma'rifat, and white color means the secret of God Almighty. Meanwhile, the rooster symbolizes strength.
After that, I saw the beautiful scenery on the edge of the hill. I see many shady trees from the top of the hill. The time is getting late in the afternoon and I had to go home. I went back down the stairs, and it feels to me like someone pushed me from behind. Stairs was very slippery because of the rain. I am growing misgivings while going down the stairs. And when I have finished way down the stairs. The number of stairs which I calculate when it goes up a hill and came down a book turns out to be different. Somehow for me the most memorable experience was on a pilgrimage to the tomb of the Opu Daeng Menambon, probably because of something that was considered impossible can happen when I was there.
From experience I climbed and descended the staircase to the top of Sebukit Rama, I conclude that. "to achieve something, we must fight mightily though feels very heavy and we are not able to achieve it. Keep stepping though difficult, keep stepping though staggered, keep stepping though sometimes you stop for a moment to rest. And the one thing you have to remember when you are already above, you will easily fall and slip. Then, do not be arrogant If thy position now is on top. "


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