“The New Yorker”
Edition : July 11 & 18, 2016
Resume :
The presumptive presidential nominee of the Republican Party – let’s call him Donald Trump, though “Donal Trump” is more like it – has a way with words, after a fashion. The mouth moves and stuff come out. Except when he reads from a teleprompter, the words paradoxcially seem both calculated and careless.
Throughout the primaries, Trump rallies routinely featured his boats about the most recent polling results. In the absence of plausible policy specifics, a coherent philosophy, a regrad for nuance, or an anknowledgement of the exigencies of governance, this ritual seemed an end in itself. From there, he would ramble on about China, winning, losing, Islamic terror, Muslims, Mexicans, bigness.
No one disputes that Trump is not a politican; he is a visionary salesman whole ingenious project, was to brand and plaster himself everywhere. He started with the family buisness – real estate – and then expanded to casions.
After running even with Hillary Clinton or slightly ahead of her in polls published in mid-May, Trump has seen his numbers deteriorate with every demographic, freed from the distraction of the primary-season horse race, are doing Trump’s scrutinizing for him.
Actually, for Trump it is all a game, one in which, though this seems an odd way to characterize it, he has outsmarted himself fatally. He famously sleep only four hours a night – sufficient, no assumes, to squeeze in a recurning nightmare of November 9th headline screaming “LOSER!!” vast evidence suggest that such a scenario is what he has dreaded most thoughout his life. At some point, it will hit his followers that they’ve been sold out by a huckster who coveted their votes only for the sake of his colossal self-regard. And that, all along, he had nothing real to offer.
1. Syntactically = berhubungan dengan tata cara penulisan
2. Acknowledgement = pengakuan
3. Exigencies = keadaan darurat
4. Disgusting = menjijikan
5. Waving = melambai
6. Pursue = mengejar
7. Myriadschemes = banyak sekali
8. Epitomized = melambangkan, merupakan contoh
9. Intimacies = kekariban, kerukunan, keintiman
10. Slightly = sedikit
11. Deteriorate = memburuk
12. Scrutinizing = memeriksa dengan penuh ketelitian
13. Charity = amal, derma, kemurahan hati
14. Dubious = yang meragukan
15. Circumstance = keadaan
16. Demagoguery = penghasutan rakyat
17. Commensurate = setaraf, sepadan
18. Gratuitously = tanpa alasan
19. Swing = ayunan, buaian
20. Inclination = kecenderungan, kecondongan, kesudian
21. Overwhelmingly = berlimpahan
22. Squeeze = tekanan
23. Huckster = penjaja, pedagang keliling
24. Coveted = iri hati
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