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My Karaoke Song of Choice and Why

Hello, on my post this time I will tell some of the songs that I often choose when I karaoke, and I will explain why I chose it.

First, the song that I choose when karaoke is "Virzha – Aku Lelakimu". I think this song is a song that was very profound for me. Where a man who was willing to do anything for the sake of their beloved ones. A man who is always there for the woman he loved, even when a woman is experiencing the disaster the men persist and sacrifice everything for the happiness of women.

Maybe in these times are now very hard to find a man who always keeps his female. This is clearly reflected in the song "Aku Lelakimu" who always keep and protect women when women thought that the man will turn. And a man who always strengthen his woman when she's fall down. For me, the guy who willingly sacrificed both his eye balls and a man who is always there for women does not exist in real life and only exist in the music video of this song. For me, "Lelakiku" is my dad, he's even more willingly sacrificed his whole life just for me, his daughter.

Secondly, this song is a song that touched my heart. About the remorse of a person when he once wasted person he affectionately, and now the person he affectionately has to belong to someone else. This song is "Bruno Mars – When I Was Your Man". This is indeed a profound song, yet I had ever experienced in my real life. But the first time I listened to this song was when there was a mathematics teacher who is very fond of singing, he suggested I look at the video when he menyayikan this song. That's when I started liking this song and living up to the meaning of this song.

And the last, there are two songs from the band that was very popular in Indonesia namely Ungu band. The second song is very touching and make our hearts are saddened when we really permeates the second track of this song.

"Ungu - Cinta Dalam Hati", the song tells about a love but he couldn't speak. His love was not reciprocated and can only he pendam forever. This song can describe the feelings of my heart when the people I love do not love me, I often listen to this song even though I'm not experiencing circumstances that are reflected in the song. The wealth of meaning in this song is the reason I often sing it.

"Ungu - Kekasih Gelapku" The song revolves around the two hearts that are dear to each other. But one of them already has a partner. They live the relationship, but no single person knows. Even though they knew that their relationship will not be a happy ending and the end of their relationship is just a sad farewell. And reflected clearly in the end-the end of the video clip of this song.

The few songs that I choose when I karaoke. According to me, the song that we choose when karaoke is the description of the feeling we feel at that moment. Sorry if there is a difference in interpretation of the meaning of each song because everyone had a different opinion.


Baca juga, yuk!

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